Saturday, September 4, 2010

Adding "Handmade" to your Wedding Registry!

Contributed by: Ellie - My Little Chickadee Creations

I think making your wedding registry is one of the most fun parts of organizing a wedding (at least it was for me! LOL). I just wish I had known about Etsy when I was getting married because I would have loved to have added handmade and vintage items to my wedding
registry from Etsy.

Etsy does not have an official Wedding or Gift Registry but there are ways to let your family and friends know about your handmade and vintage wishes.

One way is as you browse Etsy and you can add your favorites to your favorites list, you can contact each seller and ask them to set up a wedding registry listing for what you would like. Then that seller can email you the link which you can give your family and friends. Once the purchase has been made the listing is gone. Click here for an example of a Wedding Registry listing in my shop which I will keep up until the wedding takes place.

Other ways on Etsy that you can make your Wedding Registry wishes public is, like I mentioned, you can add items to your "Favorites" and when you go into "Your Etsy" and click on "Favorites" and you will see a Share link and share on Facebook for example.

You can also create a Treasury. What is a treasury, you ask? It's a collection of 16 items and you can share it as well in email or online through your fave social media. To create a treasury, go to the main page of Etsy and scroll down and on the left you will see a link for
"Treasury." Over on the right you will see a button for "Create a List". You can name the list like "Ellie and Mark's Wedding Registry" and add items by item number which you find down on the right hand side of the product page. I just copy/paste that number into my treasury. Click here to view a wedding themed treasury I made.

If this sounds like too much, then I would suggest to use a 3rd party website that you can use for your Wedding Registry. For example the Amazon Universal Wish List (US only) and you can add items you find from any website to your list.

Here are some more resources:

Here is to your beautiful wedding.....may you have a wonderful day and
a lifelong marriage!



  1. What great ideas! I too wish there'd been an Etsy when I was married. Handmade creativity adds such an awesome personal touch to a wedding :)

  2. Great, informative blog for all you brides-to-be and also guests. Now if only one of my sons would get married so I could join the fun!

  3. Some good advice and nice selections! Nothing like handmade and vintage gifts-- they can be instant heirlooms! Very special.

  4. Such beautiful items! I agree that handmade presents and weddings are so special!
    Celeste (Crickets)

  5. Some sound advice and lovely ideas on making your wedding wishlist!


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